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Document updated on Mar 8, 2024

Prometheus’ metrics endpoint

Prometheus' metrics endpoint

Prometheus is an open-source system monitoring and alerting toolkit that you can use to scrap a /metrics endpoint on KrakenD in the selected port. For instance, you could have an endpoint like http://localhost:9091/metrics.

When using Prometheus with OpenTelemetry, you can use a ready-to-use Grafana dashboard to visualize metrics, as shown in the image above.

The mechanics are simple: you add the telemetry/opentelemetry integration with a prometheus exporter, and then you add a Prometheus job to scrap from your KrakenD instances the metrics.

Prometheus scrapping from KrakenD image

Prometheus Configuration

To enable scrapable Prometheus metrics on Krakend, add the OpenTelemetry integration with a prometheus exporter. The following configuration is an example of how to do it:

    "version": 3,
    "extra_config": {
        "telemetry/opentelemetry": {
            "service_name": "krakend_prometheus_service",
            "metric_reporting_period": 1,
            "exporters": {
                "prometheus": [
                        "name": "local_prometheus",
                        "port": 9090,
                        "process_metrics": true,
                        "go_metrics": true

The full list of the Prometheus exporter settings are as follows:

Fields of "telemetry/opentelemetry": { "exporters":{} }
* required fields

prometheus array
Set here at least the settings for one Prometheus exporter. Each exporter will start a local port that offers metrics to be pulled from KrakenD.
Each item of prometheus accepts the following properties:
disable_metrics boolean
Leave this exporter declared but disabled (useful in development). It won’t report any metrics when the flag is true.
Defaults to false
go_metrics boolean
Whether you want fine-grained details of Go language metrics or not.
listen_ip string
The IP address that KrakenD listens to in IPv4 or IPv6. You can, for instance, expose the Prometheus metrics only in a private IP address. An empty string, or no declaration means listening on all interfaces. The inclusion of :: is intended for IPv6 format only (this is not the port). Examples of valid addresses are (IPv4), 2001:db8::68 (IPv6). The values :: and listen to all addresses, which are valid for IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously.
Examples: "" , "::1"
Defaults to ""
name string
A unique name to identify this exporter.
Examples: "local_prometheus" , "remote_grafana"
port integer
The port in KrakenD where Prometheus will connect to.
Defaults to 9090
process_metrics boolean
Whether this exporter shows detailed metrics about the running process like CPU or memory usage or not.

In addition, you can do a granular configuration of the metrics you want to expose using the layers attribute and other OpenTelemetry options.

Demonstration setup

The following configuration allows you to test a complete metrics experience, from generation and collection to visualization. The first code snippet is a docker-compose.yaml that declares three different services:

  • The krakend service exposing port 8080
  • The prometheus service that will scrap the metrics from KrakenD
  • A grafana dashboard to display them (it uses our Grafana dashboard)

Notice that the three services declare volumes to pick the configuration.

version: "3"
    image: "krakend/krakend-ee:2.9.0"
      - "8080:8080"
      - "./krakend:/etc/krakend/"
    image: prom/prometheus:latest
      - "9090:9090"
      - "./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"
    image: grafana/grafana:latest
      - "3000:3000"
      - "./conf/provisioning/datasources:/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources"
      - "./conf/provisioning/dashboards:/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards"
      - "./conf/data/dashboards:/var/lib/grafana/dashboards"

The following YAML configuration is a simple example of pulling data from the /metrics endpoint in KrakenD integration from three different instances:

Make sure ports are accessible
To let the scrapper access the metrics endpoint, make sure that the path and the port are the ones you configured, that the listen address allows you to access the data, and that if you use containers, the port is exposed in KrakenD. Also, remember that you cannot use localhost as a target because the Prometheus container does not run inside the KrakenD container; use the service name instead.
  scrape_interval:     15s

  # - "first.rules"
  # - "second.rules"

  - job_name: krakend_otel
    scrape_interval: 5s
    metrics_path: '/metrics'
      - targets:
        - 'krakend1:9091'
        - 'krakend2:9091'
        - 'krakend3:9091'
          app: kotel_example

Visualizing metrics in a dashboard

When the Prometheus configuration is added into KrakenD, and your Prometheus is scrapping it, you can visualize the data using our Grafana dashboard or make your own.

Which layers do you need?
Our Grafana dashboard contains a lot of options, and not all are enabled by default. Because generating low-detail metrics is an expensive operation, some options in the layers are disabled by default. Enable the options that matter to you, knowing that the more detail you add, the more resources the gateway will need to run.

Screenshot of a grafana dashboard with KrakenD metrics

Migrating from an old OpenCensus configuration (legacy)

Prior to KrakenD v2.6, you had to configure the Prometheus endpoint using the opencensus component. The OpenTelemetry integration is much more powerful and delivers more data while simultaneously giving you more configuration options.

If you had an OpenCensus configuration with a prometheus exporter like the following:

  "version": 3,
  "extra_config": {
    "telemetry/opencensus": {
        "sample_rate": 100,
        "reporting_period": 0,
        "exporters": {
          "prometheus": {
              "port": 9091,
              "namespace": "krakend",
              "tag_host": false,
              "tag_path": true,
              "tag_method": true,
              "tag_statuscode": false

Then you should make the following changes to upgrade:

  • telemetry/opencensus -> Rename to telemetry/opentelemetry
  • sample_rate -> Delete this field
  • reporting_period -> Rename to metric_reporting_period
  • prometheus: {...} -> Add an array surrounding the object, so it becomes prometheus: [{...}]
  • namespace -> Rename to name
  • tag_host, tag_path,tag_method,tag_statuscode -> Delete them

From here, add any of the additional properties you can add.


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