News KrakenD EE v2.7: Workflows, enhanced Rate Limiting, Direct WS, and more
KrakenD is more than a typical proxy that forwards clients to backend services, but a powerful engine that can transform, aggregate or remove data from your own or third party services. KrakenD also implements the Backend for Frontend and Micro-frontends patterns to eliminate the necessity of dealing with multiple REST services, isolating clients from the micro-service implementation details.
+70,000 requests/second on commodity hardware
KrakenD's stateless architecture and performance-first approach for every internal component beat any API Gateway in the market.
Our customers with massive usage face the networking limits while KrakenD still keeps a low consumption of resources.
But don't take our word for granted, do your own benchmarks.
KrakenD vs other products in the market. Requests per second in equal conditions. See benchmarks
Edit the configuration file and run the service, as a daemon or as an agent. Don't like editing text files? No problem, use the visual KrakenDesigner.
All KrakenD endpoint configuration is stored in a plain text .json
You can edit this file by hand or design your API interface visually using the
Everything you need to run the server:
krakend run --config krakend.json
The command will start the http daemon serving all the endpoints you defined in the configuration file.