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Document updated on May 25, 2023

gRPC client and gRPC to REST conversion

gRPC client and gRPC to REST conversion

The gRPC client integration allows KrakenD to connect to upstream services using gRPC. If you haven’t enabled the gRPC server functionality, then the content is automatically transformed to a regular REST API, as shown in the picture.

If, on the other hand, you enable a gRPC server, then you can have a gRPC-to-gRPC communication.

gRPC client configuration

To use the gRPC client, you must declare two extra configuration entries in the settings:

  1. grpc: The catalog with all the protocol buffer definitions, at the service level. See the catalog definition.
  2. backend/grpc: This is the connection to the specific gRPC services in the catalog at the backend level.

For example:

  "version": 3,
  "extra_config": {
    "grpc": {
      "@comment": "The catalog loads all .pb files passed or contained in directories",
      "catalog": [
  "endpoints": [
      "@comment": "Feature: GRPC",
      "endpoint": "/flights",
      "input_query_strings": ["*"],
      "backend": [
          "host": ["localhost:4242"],
          "url_pattern": "/flight_finder.Flights/FindFlight",
          "extra_config": {
            "backend/grpc": {}

At the backend level, the inclusion of the backend/grpc object with no content is enough, although there are more optional settings you can add, both for the TLS connection with the gRPC service and how to treat the input parameters or backend response:

Fields of gRPC backend connection
* required fields

Enables specific TLS connection options when using the gRPC service. Supports all options under TLS client settings.
disable_query_params boolean
When true, it does not use URL parameters ({placeholders} in endpoints) or query strings to fill the gRPC payload to send. If use_request_body is not set, or set to false, and this option is set to true, there will be no input used for the gRPC message to send. That is still a valid option, when we just want to send the message with its default values, or when the input for the gRPC calls is just the empty message.
Defaults to false
header_mapping object
A dictionary that rename the received header (key) to a new header name (value). If the header starts with grpc they will be renamed to in-grpc-* as the word is reserved.
Example: {"X-Tenant":"customerid"}

Properties of header_mapping can use a name matching the pattern .*, and their content is an string

input_mapping object
A dictionary that converts query string parameters and parameters from {placeholders} into a different field during the backend request. When passing parameters using {placeholder} the parameter capitalizes the first letter, so you receive Placeholder.
Example: {"lat":"where.latitude","lon":"where.longitude"}

Properties of input_mapping can use a name matching the pattern .*, and their content is an string

output_duration_as_string boolean
Well-known Duration types (google.protobuf.Duration) are returned as a struct containing fields with seconds and nanos fields (flag set to false). Setting this flag to true transforms the timestamps into a string representation in seconds.
Defaults to false
output_enum_as_string boolean
Enum types are returned as numeric values (flag set to false). Set this flag to true to return the string representation of the enum value. For instance, an enum representing allergies, such as ['NUTS', 'MILK', ' SOY', 'WHEAT'] would return a value SOY when this flag is true, or 2 when false.
Defaults to false
output_remove_unset_values boolean
When the response has missing fields from the definition, they are returned with default values. Setting this flag to true removes those fields from the response, while setting it to false or not setting it, returns all the fields in the definition.
Defaults to false
output_timestamp_as_string boolean
Well-known Timestamp types (google.protobuf.Timestamp) are returned as a struct containing fields with seconds and nanos fields (flag set to false). Setting this flag to true transforms the timestamps into a string representation in RFC3999 format.
Defaults to false
read_buffer_size number
Specifies the size of the client buffer reading the gRPC communication in bytes. If the value is unset, or 0, it uses its default (32KB). Use a negative value to disable the buffer, and if you do there won’t be memory pre-allocation to read. To determine the right number, calculate the average size of the responses the gRPC client will receive.
Examples: 32768 , 8192 , -1
Defines the naming convention used to format the request. Applies to query strings and JSON field names. By default, the gateway uses snake_case which makes use of the standard encoding/json package, while when you choose camelCase the protobuf/encoding deserialization is used instead.
Possible values are: "camelCase" , "snake_case"
Defaults to "snake_case"
Defines the naming convention used to format the returned data. By default, the gateway uses snake_case which makes use of the standard encoding/json package, while when you choose camelCase the protobuf/encoding deserialization is used instead.
Possible values are: "camelCase" , "snake_case"
Defaults to "snake_case"
use_alternate_host_on_error boolean
When true, before sending a message to a host, it checks if the connection status is in a “transient failure” or “failure” state and tries to use a different host (from the service discovery or randomly from the list of hosts). If the connection is in a valid state, but an error happens when sending the gRPC message, it also tries to use a different host to retry sending the message. Depending on the host list, the retry attempts may go to the same host initially in a “bad state”.
use_request_body boolean
Enables the use of the sent body to fill the gRPC request. Take into account that when you set this flag to true a body is expected, and this body is consumed in the first backend. If the endpoint that uses this gRPC backend has additional backends (either gRPC or HTTP) that also expect to consume the payload, these requests might fail.
Defaults to false

A few important requirements you should have in mind when adding backend configurations:

  • host The array of hosts does not have a protocol prefix (no http or https, just host:port).
  • url_pattern: Cannot contain variables and must be the full name of the gRPC service and method call (for example: "/pizzeria_sample.Pizzeria/ListMenu")

Ignored attributes (their values or presence is ignored):

  • method
  • is_collection

Regarding the endpoint configuration, the output_encoding you set in the endpoint must be different than no-op.

The backend response after the gRPC interaction accepts all the manipulation options as with REST calls.

For instance:

    "@comment": "Feature: GRPC",
    "endpoint": "/flights",
    "input_query_strings": ["*"],
    "backend": [
        "host": ["localhost:4242"],
        "url_pattern": "/flight_finder.Flights/FindFlight",
        "extra_config": {
            "backend/grpc": {
                "client_tls": {
                    "@comment": "Allow untrusted certificates in development stage",
                    "allow_insecure_connections": true

Passing user parameters

To pass dynamic parameters from the user to your gRPC service, you must use query strings, a body, headers (sent as metadata), or {placeholders} in the endpoints.

When you use query strings, you must always include the necessary input_query_strings. You can even pass all the query strings with a wildcard * because only those that match the gRPC call will pass.

Headers must be listed in the endpoint’s input_headers array when you use them. In addition, the field header_mapping under the backend/grpc section allows you to rename those headers to gRPC metadata. All headers in the gRPC backend will be sent with their original (but lowercased) name or using the provided header_mapping.

When you use a {placeholder} in the URL of the endpoint, the variable name capitalizes the first letter. You must refer to a variable {foo} as Foo.

For instance:

    "@comment": "Feature: GRPC",
    "endpoint": "/flights/{date}",
    "input_query_strings": ["*"],
    "input_headers": ["*"],
    "backend": [
        "host": ["localhost:4242"],
        "url_pattern": "/flight_finder.Flights/FindFlight",
        "extra_config": {
            "backend/grpc": {
                "header_mapping": {
                    "X-Tenant": "customerid"
                "client_tls": {
                    "@comment": "Allow untrusted certificates in development stage",
                    "allow_insecure_connections": true

In addition, you can map the original input query string parameters to other keys using the input_mapping property.

For instance, the following example takes a request with ?lat=123&lon=456 and sends a request to the gRPC service with a renamed object. The Date (notice the first letter is uppercased) is taken from the URL, while the coordinates are taken from the query string:

    "@comment": "Feature: GRPC",
    "endpoint": "/flights/{date}",
    "input_query_strings": ["*"],
    "backend": [
        "host": ["localhost:4242"],
        "url_pattern": "/flight_finder.Flights/FindFlight",
        "extra_config": {
            "backend/grpc": {
                "input_mapping": {
                    "lat": "where.latitude",
                    "lon": "where.longitude",
                    "Date": "when.departure"

The gRPC service receives:

    "where": {
        "latitude": 123,
        "longitude": 456
    "when": {
        "departure": "2023-07-09"

In addition to query parameters, you can pass a body through the flag use_request_body. When both the params/query strings and the body input are enabled, the parameters and query string are set first and the JSON body second. This means the body will overwrite colliding values set by the params/query strings (you pass the same fields in both). Or said otherwise: params/query values will only apply when those values are not set in the body payload.

Finally, fields for the GRPC body can also be taken from the headers data (but query string values and URL parameters take precedence if provided over the values found in the headers).


For child messages (or child objects), the input params are expected to be in dot notation, e.g., some_field.child.grand_child=10.

It accepts lists (“repeated” in gRPC nomenclature) of basic types with repeated notation: a=1&a=2&a=3

Or also when the array is inside an object, e.g., a.b.c=1&a.b.c=2&a.b.c=3

But it cannot fill arrays that contain other arrays or arrays that contain other objects (that could include other arrays) because it is difficult to know where a value should be put.

For example, for an object

    "a": {
       "b": [
               "x": [1, 2]
               "x": [5, 6]
       "c": "something"

What should be the output for a.b.x=1&a.b.x=2?

Should it be: {"a": {"b": [{"x": [1, 2]}]}} or {"a": {"b": [{"x": [1]}, {"x": [2]}]}}?


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