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Document updated on Feb 5, 2025

Response Schema Validation for API Endpoints

The response JSON schema validator adds a schema validation before the gateway returns the response to the end-user or before it’s merged in the endpoint with the rest of the backends.

Before returning the response, you can define the minimum response fields and their characteristics through JSON schema syntax (drafts 04, 06, and 07 supported).

Validation of responses, not requests
This component validates that the response from the server of after content aggregation/manipulation in KrakenD has the desired attributes. To validate the user input on requests use the validation/json-schema instead.

You can use this plugin in conjunction with other components and perform validations, and you can insert it either in the endpoint section or the backend section. For instance, it can be part of a sequential proxy call and decide that the response does not have enough data to move forward and cancel the cascading connection.


The configuration is straightforward, as you only need to write the desired JSON schema you expect in the response at the endpoint or backend levels (you can place it in both). For example, to validate that the backend response has a specific schema, you would do:

  "url_pattern": "/mybackend",
  "extra_config": {
    "validation/response-json-schema": {
      "schema": {
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
      "error": {
        "body": "We couldn't process you request, try again later.",
        "status": 401

The configuration above declares a very simple JSON schema that checks the existence of a property user in the response. All backend manipulations (e.g.: deny, allow, target, etc.) take place before the validator runs, so when planning your validations make sure to take into account any previous modifications.

There are other attributes you can use. This is the configuration possible:

Fields of Response Schema Validator
* required fields

error object
In case the validation fails, the error definition containing body and status.
Example: {"body":"We couldn't process you request, try again later.","status":401}
body string
The error message you want to show when the validation fails. Set it to an empty string "" to show the JSON-schema validation error.
Defaults to ""
content_type string
The Content-Type header you want to set back in the response when you are setting a custom body
Example: "application/json"
Defaults to "text/plain"
status integer
The HTTP status code you want to set back in the response.
Defaults to 500
schema * object
Write your JSON schema directly in this field, with any number of fields or validations you need.

At the endpoint level the validator works exactly the same, and runs also after other manipulations. Here is the same example but with more detail on the validated JSON Schema:

  "endpoint": "/foo",
  "extra_config": {
    "validation/response-json-schema": {
      "schema": {
        "$schema": "",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "user": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "username": {
                "type": "string"
              "user_id": {
                "type": "number"
              "status": {
                "type": "string",
                "enum": [
            "required": [
        "required": [
      "error": {
        "body": "We couldn't process you request, try again later.",
        "status": 401

Migration from old plugin

Prior to v2.9 the response-schema-validator offered this functionality, and is now deprecated as it is supported natively. If you used the plugin you will need to execute the following change in your configuration:

   "endpoint": "/foo",
   "extra_config": {
-    "plugin/req-resp-modifier": {
-      "name": [
-        "response-schema-validator"
-      ],
-      "response-schema-validator": {
-        "schema": {},
-        "error": {
-          "body": "The server encountered an internal error. Please try again later.",
-          "status": 500
-        }
+    "validation/response-json-schema": {
+     "schema": {},
+     "error": {
+        "body": "The server encountered an internal error. Please try again later.",
+        "status": 500

As you can see the following changes are needed:

  • The plugin/req-resp-modifier is renamed to "validation/response-json-schema
  • The name property goes away
  • The extra response-schema-validator level goes away
  • The attributes schema and error stay the same.

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