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Document updated on Jun 20, 2023

AWS Lambda Integration in KrakenD API Gateway

AWS Lambda Integration in KrakenD API Gateway

The Lambda integration allows you to invoke Amazon Lambda functions on a KrakenD endpoint call. The content returned by the lambda function can be treated and manipulated as any other backend.

The payload that is sent to the Lambda function comes from the request and depends on the method used by the endpoint:

  • Method GET: The payload contains all the request parameters.
  • Non-GET methods: The payload is defined by the content of the body in the request.

You don’t need to set an Amazon API Gateway in the middle, as KrakenD does this job for you.

Lambda configuration

Dummy hosts and url_pattern
Notice in the examples that the host and url_pattern are needed as per the backend definition, but KrakenD will never use them when connecting to a Lambda. Feel free to add any value in there, but the entry must be present.

The inclusion requires you to add the code in the extra_config of your backend section using the backend/lambda namespace.

The supported parameters are:

Fields of AWS Lambda functions
* required fields

endpoint string
An optional parameter to customize the Lambda endpoint to call. Useful when Localstack is used for testing instead of direct AWS usage.
function_name string
Name of the lambda function as saved in the AWS service. You have to choose between function_name and function_param_name but not both.
function_param_name string
The endpoint {placeholder} that sets the function name, with the first letter uppercased. You have to choose between function_name and function_param_name but not both. If your endpoint defines the route /foo/{bar} the value of function_param_name must be Bar with the uppercased B.
max_retries integer
Maximum times you want to execute the function until you have a successful response. The value -1 defers the max retry setting to the service specific configuration.
Defaults to 0
region string
The AWS identifier region
Examples: "us-east-1" , "eu-west-2"
Parameters’ first character uppercased
Notice the capitalization of the first letter of the parameter names at the configuration in the examples below. For instance, when an endpoint parameter is defined as {route}, define it in the config as Route.

When passing the lambda function name, you can use any of the following formats:

  • Name only: my-function
  • Name and version: my-function:v1
  • Function ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:my-function
  • Partial ARN: 123456789012:function:my-function

Authentication and connectivity

The KrakenD machine needs connectivity with your AWS account and the credentials to do so. There are several ways you can achieve this:

  • Copying your AWS credentials in the default file, ~/.aws/credentials (and maybe an additional ~/.aws/config and the env var AWS_PROFILE if you have several profiles)
  • Passing the environment variables with at least AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (and maybe AWS_REGION) when starting KrakenD.
  • Having an IAM user with a policy and execution role that lets you invoke the function from the machine

When setting the credentials, ensure the Lambda is callable within the KrakenD box with the selected method.

If your machine has the AWS CLI installed, you can test your Lambda:

Invoking a Lambda function 

$aws lambda invoke --region us-east-1 --function-name myLambdaFunction --output json result.json

Authentication examples

Mounting an existing .aws directory with the credentials in it (notice that the home of the Docker user is krakend):


$docker run --rm -it -p "8080:8080" \
    -e "AWS_PROFILE=default" \
    -v "/home/user/.aws:/home/krakend/.aws:ro" \
    -v "$PWD:/etc/krakend" krakend/krakend-ee:2.5

Passing the credentials directly:


$docker run --rm -it -p "8080:8080" \
    -e "AWS_REGION=eu-west-1" \
    -v "$PWD:/etc/krakend" krakend/krakend-ee:2.5

Header forwarding

The official library of AWS has a limitation preventing KrakenD from sending any headers, yet it is impossible to forward them even when you add them under input_headers.

If you require such functionality, you should create a custom payload (like this one) with additional data containing the headers (and anything else than the body itself).

Canary testing of Lambda functions

You can easily do Canary or A/B testing with Lambda functions in combination with a Lua script like the one provided below.

For example, the following configuration takes the function name from a parameter that is not defined anywhere. Instead, a Lua script will set it as per our AB test or canary rules.

The configuration would be:

  "endpoint": "/call-a-lambda",
  "backend": [
      "host": ["ignore"],
      "url_pattern": "/ignore",
      "extra_config": {
        "backend/lambda": {
          "function_param_name": "Function_name",
          "region": "eu-west-1",
          "max_retries": 1
        "modifier/lua-backend": {
            "sources": ["canary.lua"],
            "pre": "canaryLambda(request.load())",
            "allow_open_libs": true

And the content of the canary.lua file would be:

function canaryLambda( req )
  local rand = math.random(0, 100)
  if rand < 20
    req:params("Function_name", "my-function:3")
    req:params("Function_name", "my-function:2")

As you can read from the code, 20% of the requests will invoke my-function:3, while the 80% remaining will fall into the older my-function:2.

For more Canary Release examples (not only Lambda) see this blog post

Example: Associate a lambda to a backend

When you associate a KrakenD endpoint to a unique lambda function, use this configuration:

  "endpoint": "/call-a-lambda",
  "backend": [
      "host": ["ignore"],
      "url_pattern": "/ignore",
      "extra_config": {
        "backend/lambda": {
          "function_name": "myLambdaFunction",
          "region": "us-east-1",
          "max_retries": 1

Here is an example of Lambda code that could run a Hello World (NodeJS):

exports.handler = async (event) => {
    // TODO implement
    const response = {
        "message": "Hello World",
    return response;

Example: Take the lambda from the URL

When the name of the Lambda depends on a parameter passed in the endpoint, use this configuration instead:

  "endpoint": "/call-a-lambda/{lambda}",
  "backend": [
      "host": ["ignore"],
      "url_pattern": "/ignore",
      "extra_config": {
        "backend/lambda": {
          "function_param_name": "Lambda",
          "region": "us-west1",
          "max_retries": 1

In this example, the function_param_name tells us which is the placeholder in the endpoint setting the Lambda. In this case, {lambda}.

Following the code, a call GET /call-a-lambda/my-lambda would produce a call to the My-lambda function in AWS.


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