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Telemetry and Monitoring in KrakenD API Gateway

Document updated on Oct 24, 2022

Telemetry and Monitoring in KrakenD API Gateway

Observability and networking are key to succeed in a scenario of distributed microservices architecture, and new monitoring tools are needed. These tools must provide at least options to detect problems’ root causes, monitoring and details of the different distributed transactions, and performance and latency optimization.

Through the OpenCensus exporters you can send metrics, and traces to several open source and proprietary tools, so you can follow the activity of the gateway and the derived requests to its connected backends. Although you can also do logging with OpenCensus, we recommend using the standard loggingcomponent.

Enabling metrics and traces is key to have a good detail of what is going on inside the Gateway and between the user, the Gateway and your services.

The following telemetry third-party systems are supported:


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