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Document updated on Dec 12, 2022

Security Policies language and syntax

The policies language and syntax look nearly identical to C++, Go, Java, and Typescript and is based on Google’s CEL built-in functions and advanced macros. If you have existing validation using the CEL Component, you can also port them as policies.

Basic syntax

Data types

The supported data types are:

  • uint (unsigned integer)
  • int (integer)
  • double (Number, float)
  • string (string)
  • bool (boolean)
  • null_type
  • bytes (on JSON mapping a string of base64-encoded bytes)
  • map (Object. e.g., {})
  • list (Array. e.g., [])
  • duration (e.g., 1h1m for 1 hour and 1 minute)
  • timestamp (e.g., timestamp(now) returns in RFC3339 format including timezone 2023-01-01T10:00:20.021-05:00).
  • dyn the union of all other types.

In addition, you can cast some types using their type name as a function, for instance: int("23") or double("21.3").

Logic and arithmetic operators

The logic operators are:

  • ! (not)
  • == (equal)
  • != (unequal)
  • && (and)
  • || (or)
  • _?_:_ (ternary)
  • <,<=, >=, > (ordering)

The arithmetic operators are:

  • % (mod)
  • * (multiplication)
  • + (sum and concatenation)
  • - (subtract)
  • / (divide)

Accessing maps

A map (also could be named object) is traversed with the dot operator ., or using the syntax ['field']. For instance, the map {"foo": {"bar": 1}} can be accessed as and foo['bar] equivalently. The second method is necessary when keys use characters like - that can be interpreted as operators. E.g., req_headers['X-Forwarded-For'].

If you want to test if a specific field exists in a map use has('field').

Functions and macros

For the complete list of supported functions and macros see:

Data variables

The following data variables are available inside the policies, depending on the context you set the policy:

  • Use a req_ type variable to access request data.
  • Use a resp_ type variable to access response data.
  • Use the JWT variable to access the payload of the JWT (available on endpoint context only if the namespace auth/validator is correctly configured).

Variables for requests

You can use the following variables inside policies:

  • req_method: Returns the method of this endpoint, e.g.: GET

  • req_path: The path used to access this endpoint, e.g.: /foo

  • req_params: An object with all the placeholder {parameters} declared in the endpoint.

    First letter capitalized

    All req_params capitalize the first letter.

    E.g., an "endpoint": "/users/{id_user}" will set a variable req_params.Id_user containing the value of the parameter passed in the request. When you use the sequential proxy you also have under req_params.RespX_field the response of a previous backend call (where X is the sequence number and field the object you want to retrieve.

  • req_headers: A map with all the headers received in its canonical form (converts the first letter and any letter following a hyphen to upper case; the rest are converted to lowercase. For example, the canonical key for accept-encoding is Accept-Encoding). The value of the map is an array, as you can have a header declared multiple times (e.g., multiple cookies with Set-Cookie). For example, you can access headers like this: req_headers['X-Forwarded-For'].

    Do not forget input_headers!
    The req_headers variable won’t contain any headers that are not declared in the input_headers of the endpoint.

  • req_querystring: An Object with all the query strings that the user passed to the endpoint (not anything you wrote on the backend url_pattern). Remember that no query strings pass unless they are in the input_query_strings list. Notice that query strings, unlike req_params, are NOT capitalized. The will also return an array as a query string can contain multiple values (e.g., ?foo[]=1&foo[]=2). Most of the times you might want[0].

    Do not forget input_query_strings!
    The req_querystring variable won’t contain any query strings that are not declared in the input_query_strings of the endpoint.

  • now: An object containing the current timestamp, e.g., timestamp(now).getDayOfWeek()

Variables for responses

You can use the following variables inside the policies:

  • resp_completed: Boolean whether all the data has been successfully retrieved. When you use multiple backends, this information makes sense in the endpoint context.
  • resp_metadata_status: Returns an integer with the status code. Only available when using no-op encoding.
  • resp_metadata_headers: Returns a map with all the headers of the response. Only available when using no-op encoding.
  • resp_data: An object with all the data captured in the response. Using the dot notation, you can access its fields, e.g.:resp_data.user_id. If you use the group operator in the backend, then you need to add it to access the object, e.g., resp_data.mygroup.user_id. Not available when using no-op.
  • now: An object containing the current timestamp
A note on response metadata
The response metadata is only filled for no-op pipes. In non-no-op cases, it will always be empty, and the pipe will end the execution if the status code is not 200/201.

Variables for the JWT rejecter

You can also use CEL expressions during the JWT token validation. Use the JWT variable to access its metadata in an endpoint context. The namespace auth/validator must be correctly configured. For instance:

has(JWT.user_id) && has(JWT.enabled_days) && (timestamp(now).getDayOfWeek() in JWT.enabled_days)

This example checks that the JWT token contains the metadata user_id and enabled_days with the macro has(), and then checks that today’s weekday is within one of the allowed days to see the endpoint.


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