News KrakenD EE v2.9 released: Redis Cluster Support, LRU, WebSockets Upgrades & More!

Document updated on Sep 27, 2018

Using KrakenD

From an operations point of view KrakenD, is very simple to use. It only requires you to pass the path the configuration file (which defines behaviors and endpoints). Additionally, you can enable the debug with the -d flag, and that’s pretty much everything.


  1. Generate a configuration file with your endpoints definition. The easier way to generate it is using the designer
  2. Check the syntax of your krakend.json is good

    Syntax checking 

    $krakend check --config krakend.json --debug
  3. Run KrakenD

    Start the server 

    $krakend run -c krakend.json -d

The flag -c is the short version of --config and -d the short version of --debug which allows you to find problems easily.

Using KrakenD

To start KrakenD make sure to provide the path to the binary or add it to the PATH. You can see all KrakenD options by running the binary with no options:

The krakend command 


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Version: 1.3

The API Gateway builder

  krakend [command]

Available Commands:
  check       Validates that the configuration file is valid.
  help        Help about any command
  run         Run the KrakenD server.

  -c, --config string   Path to the configuration filename
  -d, --debug           Enable the debug
  -h, --help            help for krakend

Use "krakend [command] --help" for more information about a command.

As you can see there are 3 different supported commands:


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