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Document updated on Feb 16, 2021

Commands - check

The krakend check command validates the passed configuration. Since KrakenD does not implement a strict parsing, typos in the config file could be shadowed. In order to validate your config completely, it is recommended to use the --debug flag.

Usage of KrakenD check 

$./krakend check -h

`7MMF' `YMM'                  `7MM                         `7MM"""Yb.
  MM   .M'                      MM                           MM    `Yb.
  MM .d"     `7Mb,od8 ,6"Yb.    MM  ,MP'.gP"Ya `7MMpMMMb.    MM     `Mb
  MMMMM.       MM' "'8)   MM    MM ;Y  ,M'   Yb  MM    MM    MM      MM
  MM  VMA      MM     ,pm9MM    MM;Mm  8M""""""  MM    MM    MM     ,MP
  MM   `MM.    MM    8M   MM    MM `Mb.YM.    ,  MM    MM    MM    ,dP'
.JMML.   MMb..JMML.  `Moo9^Yo..JMML. YA.`Mbmmd'.JMML  JMML..JMMmmmdP'

Version: 1.3

Validates that the active configuration file has a valid syntax to run the service.
Change the configuration file by using the --config flag

  krakend check [flags]

  check, validate

krakend check -d -c config.json

  -h, --help              help for check
  -t, --test-gin-routes   Test the endpoint patterns against a real gin router on selected port

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Path to the configuration filename
  -d, --debug           Enable the debug

Passing a path to the config file is required


$krakend check
Please, provide the path to your config file


We will use this configuration for the demo

    "version": 2,
    "name": "My lovely gateway",
    "port": 8080,
    "cache_ttl": "3600s",
    "timeout": "3s",
    "extra_config": {
      "github_com/devopsfaith/krakend-gologging": {
        "level":  "ERROR",
        "prefix": "[KRAKEND]",
        "syslog": false,
        "stdout": true
    "endpoints": [
            "endpoint": "/supu",
            "method": "GET",
            "backend": [
                    "host": [
                    "url_pattern": "/__debug/supu",
                    "extra_config": {
                        "": {
                            "fifo.Group": {
                                "scope": ["request", "response"],
                                "aggregateErrors": true,
                                "modifiers": [
                                    "header.Modifier": {
                                        "scope": ["request", "response"],
                                        "name" : "X-Martian",
                                        "value" : "ouh yeah!"
                                    "body.Modifier": {
                                        "scope": ["request"],
                                        "contentType" : "application/json",
                                        "body" : "eyJtc2ciOiJ5b3Ugcm9jayEifQ=="
                                    "header.RegexFilter": {
                                        "scope": ["request"],
                                        "header" : "X-Neptunian",
                                        "regex" : "no!",
                                        "modifier": {
                                            "header.Modifier": {
                                                "scope": ["request"],
                                                "name" : "X-Martian-New",
                                                "value" : "some value"
                        "": {
                            "interval": 60,
                            "timeout": 10,
                            "maxErrors": 1
            "endpoint": "/github/{user}",
            "method": "GET",
            "backend": [
                    "host": [
                    "url_pattern": "/",
                    "allow": [
                    "disable_host_sanitize": true,
                    "extra_config": {
                        "": {
                            "fifo.Group": {
                                "scope": ["request", "response"],
                                "aggregateErrors": true,
                                "modifiers": [
                                    "header.Modifier": {
                                        "scope": ["request", "response"],
                                        "name" : "X-Martian",
                                        "value" : "ouh yeah!"
                                    "body.Modifier": {
                                        "scope": ["request"],
                                        "contentType" : "application/json",
                                        "body" : "eyJtc2ciOiJ5b3Ugcm9jayEifQ=="
                                    "header.RegexFilter": {
                                        "scope": ["request"],
                                        "header" : "X-Neptunian",
                                        "regex" : "no!",
                                        "modifier": {
                                            "header.Modifier": {
                                                "scope": ["request"],
                                                "name" : "X-Martian-New",
                                                "value" : "some value"
                        "": {
                            "maxRate": 2,
                            "capacity": 2
                        "": {
                            "interval": 60,
                            "timeout": 10,
                            "maxErrors": 1
            "endpoint": "/show/{id}",
            "backend": [
                    "host": [
                    "url_pattern": "/user/schedule/{id}.rss",
                    "encoding": "rss",
                    "group": "schedule",
                    "allow": ["items", "title"],
                    "extra_config": {
                        "": {
                            "maxRate": 1,
                            "capacity": 1
                        "": {
                            "interval": 60,
                            "timeout": 10,
                            "maxErrors": 1
                    "host": [
                    "url_pattern": "/user/{id}.rss",
                    "encoding": "rss",
                    "group": "available",
                    "allow": ["items", "title"],
                    "extra_config": {
                        "": {
                            "maxRate": 2,
                            "capacity": 2
                        "": {
                            "interval": 60,
                            "timeout": 10,
                            "maxErrors": 1
            "extra_config": {
                "": {
                    "maxRate": 50,
                    "clientMaxRate": 5,
                    "strategy": "ip"

Debug disabled

Checking the configuration without the debug flag 

$krakend check --config krakend.json
Parsing configuration file: krakend.json
Syntax OK!

Debug enabled

Checking the configuration with the debug flag 

$krakend check -c krakend.json -d
Parsing configuration file: krakend.json
Parsed configuration: CacheTTL: 1h0m0s, Port: 8080
Hosts: []
Extra (1):
	github_com/devopsfaith/krakend-gologging: map[level:ERROR syslog:false stdout:true prefix:[KRAKEND]]
Endpoints (3):
	Endpoint: /supu, Method: GET, CacheTTL: 1h0m0s, Concurrent: 1, QueryString: []
	Extra (0):
	Backends (1):
		URL: /__debug/supu, Method: GET
			Timeout: 3s, Target: , Mapping: map[], BL: [], WL: [], Group:
			Hosts: []
			Extra (2): map[fifo.Group:map[scope:[request response] aggregateErrors:true modifiers:[map[header.Modifier:map[value:ouh yeah! scope:[request response] name:X-Martian]] map[body.Modifier:map[scope:[request] contentType:application/json body:eyJtc2ciOiJ5b3Ugcm9jayEifQ==]] map[header.RegexFilter:map[header:X-Neptunian regex:no! modifier:map[header.Modifier:map[scope:[request] name:X-Martian-New value:some value]] scope:[request]]]]]] map[timeout:10 maxErrors:1 interval:60]
	Endpoint: /github/:user, Method: GET, CacheTTL: 1h0m0s, Concurrent: 1, QueryString: []
	Extra (0):
	Backends (1):
		URL: /, Method: GET
			Timeout: 3s, Target: , Mapping: map[], BL: [], WL: [authorizations_url code_search_url], Group:
			Hosts: []
			Extra (3): map[fifo.Group:map[modifiers:[map[header.Modifier:map[name:X-Martian value:ouh yeah! scope:[request response]]] map[body.Modifier:map[scope:[request] contentType:application/json body:eyJtc2ciOiJ5b3Ugcm9jayEifQ==]] map[header.RegexFilter:map[scope:[request] header:X-Neptunian regex:no! modifier:map[header.Modifier:map[scope:[request] name:X-Martian-New value:some value]]]]] scope:[request response] aggregateErrors:true]] map[maxRate:2 capacity:2] map[interval:60 timeout:10 maxErrors:1]
	Endpoint: /show/:id, Method: GET, CacheTTL: 1h0m0s, Concurrent: 1, QueryString: []
	Extra (1): map[maxRate:50 clientMaxRate:5 strategy:ip]
	Backends (2):
		URL: /user/schedule/{{.Id}}.rss, Method: GET
			Timeout: 3s, Target: , Mapping: map[], BL: [], WL: [items title], Group: schedule
			Hosts: []
			Extra (2): map[interval:60 timeout:10 maxErrors:1] map[maxRate:1 capacity:1]
		URL: /user/{{.Id}}.rss, Method: GET
			Timeout: 3s, Target: , Mapping: map[], BL: [], WL: [items title], Group: available
			Hosts: []
			Extra (2): map[maxRate:2 capacity:2] map[interval:60 timeout:10 maxErrors:1]
Syntax OK!

Check conflicting routes

Even the configuration is valid from a syntax perspective, you can have a failing KrakenD once the service starts. To avoid this situation, the -t flag will actually start a KrakenD instance and test the routes.

When automating the checks of the configuration, make sure to add the -t flag:

krakend check -t -d -c config.json

Make sure that the port of KrakenD is not allocated in your pipeline. You can always change it with environment vars.


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