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Document updated on Feb 22, 2023

Basic Authentication

The Basic Authentication functionality protects access to selected endpoints using basic username and password credentials. The functionality works at the router level, and the backend is never hit when the authentication fails.

The plugin version is now deprecated
Prior to v2.2, the basic authentication was provided by a plugin. The plugin’s usage is still supported for backward compatibility but is considered deprecated. Please follow the steps at the end of this document to upgrade.

How does it work

KrakenD feeds from a regular.htpasswd file that declares all the possible combinations of users and credentials that KrakenD recognizes. You can also declare users inline directly in the configuration file. You must store these credentials in bcrypt format.

There is no special tooling required to administer this file other than having the htpasswd command in the development machine (the command is part of the apache2-utils package in Linux).

When KrakenD starts, it reads the .htpasswd file if declared in the configuration and loads it in memory. As a result, the credential-checking process does not need to open the file, ensuring that the system does not rely on I/O.

The basic authentication applies only to the endpoints containing an auth/basic entry. The rest are public or use other authentication/authorization mechanisms.

When a user fails to provide valid credentials, a 401 Unauthorized status code is returned.


The namespace you need to enable basic authorization is auth/basic, and you can place it at the endpoint level (required), the service level (optional), or both.

Include the auth/basic’s extra_config in the desired endpoint that needs to check the credentials with the credentials file and/or usernames. If you want to use the same credential sets across multiple endpoints, you can place the namespace at the service level instead (root of the file) and include an empty extra_config reference ("auth/basic": {}) which will inherit its settings.

When the endpoint includes a non-empty configuration object, if you have declared settings at the service level, then you are overriding the whole object.

For instance:

  "version": 3,
  "extra_config": {
    "auth/basic": {
      "@comment": "The following configuration applies to any endpoint with auth/basic{} config",
      "htpasswd_path": "/path/to/.htpasswd",
      "@comment": "Additional users to the ones in htpasswd:",
      "users": {
        "admin": "$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ...",
        "user2": "$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ..."
  "endpoints": [
      "endpoint": "/user/{id}",
      "extra_config": {
        "@comment": "The empty inclusion enables basic auth for this endpoint with the config above ",
        "auth/basic": {}
      "endpoint": "/checkout",
      "extra_config": {
        "@comment": "Exceptionally an endpoint can override all settings",
        "auth/basic": {
          "htpasswd_path": "/path/to/.htpasswd_secondary",
Fields of "auth/basic"
* required fields

htpasswd_path string
Absolute Path to the htpasswd filename (recommended) or relative ./ to the workdir (less secure).
Example: "/path/to/.htpasswd"
users object
Additional users to the htpasswd file can be declared directly inside the configuration. The content of both places will be merged (and this list will overwrite users already defined in the htpasswd file). The key of each entry is the username, and the value the bcrypt.
Example: {"admin":"$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ...","user2":"$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ..."}

Properties of users can use a name matching the pattern (.*), and their content is an string

User administration

The htpasswd file is loaded only during startup, and KrakenD needs to be restarted or redeployed if you want to modify which users can access the resources. The same happens with any users declared inside the users array.

KrakenD only works with passwords encrypted with bcrypt. Generate a file using the following command (notice the -B flag for bcrypt):

Generate access file 

$htpasswd -Bbc .htpasswd yourUser yourPassword

Or generate the output in stdout:

Ask for password and create hash 

$htpasswd -nB yourUser
New password:
Re-type new password:

A string like the one below represents the user and the password hash, which is inserted in the .htpasswd file or directly inside the KrakenD configuration under users.

Generate access file 


To delete users, edit the file and remove the desired line.

Upgrade from plugin-based Basic Auth

If you used the basic authentication plugin previous to v2.2, then you should switch to the new configuration format for the new core component that offers the following benefits:

  • Now, all rejections appear in the telemetry
  • You can override the configuration at the endpoint level
  • Easier to maintain configuration

The basic auth plugin is considered deprecated, although it’s still supported for backward compatibility.

Configuration upgrade

Below you can find the same configuration for the deprecated plugin and the core component.

DEPRECATED configuration:

    "version": 3,
    "plugin": {
        "folder": "/opt/krakend/plugins/"
    "extra_config": {
        "plugin/http-server": {
            "name": [ "basic-auth" ],
            "basic-auth": {
                "htpasswd_path": "/path/to/.htpasswd",
                "endpoints": [
                "users": {
                    "admin": "$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ...",
                    "user2": "$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ..."

CURRENT configuration:

    "version": 3,
    "extra_config": {
            "auth/basic": {
                "@comment": "The following configuration applies to any endpoint with auth/basic config",
                "htpasswd_path": "/path/to/.htpasswd",
                "users": {
                    "admin": "$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ...",
                    "user2": "$2y$05$HpdPmv2Z3h3skMCVaf/CEep/UUBuhZ..."
    "endpoints": [
            "endpoint": "/user/{id}",
            "extra_config": {
                "@comment": "The simple inclusion of the component enables basic authentication for this endpoint",
                "auth/basic": {}
            "endpoint": "/checkout",
            "extra_config": {
                "auth/basic": {
                    "@comment": "Additionally an endpoint can override any settings",
                    "htpasswd_path": "/path/to/.htpasswd_secondary",

As you can see, your configuration in the plugin moves to a new extra_config section named auth/basic. And instead of having a list of endpoints, you declare the usage directly in the endpoint. In summary:

  • You don’t longer need the plugins entry
  • The global configuration moves:
    • From extra_config / plugin/http-server/ basic-auth
    • To extra_config / auth/basic
  • The endpoints list disappears in the global configuration
  • You include in each endpoint the extra_config -> auth/basic as an empty object
  • Optionally, you can override the configuration on a specific endpoint by passing new settings.

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