Document updated on Feb 2, 2020
KrakenD Enterprise is delivered in several formats, including Docker, Linux packages (deb, rpm) and generic installation options.
If you are already familiar with Docker, the easiest way to get started is by pulling our KrakenD image
$docker pull krakend/krakend-ee:2.4
After this command you will have in your local computer the krakend enterprise container.
Copy the license certificate to the server(s). Replace user@yourserver
with your actual username and IP address:
ssh user@yourserver mkdir -p /etc/krakend/
scp LICENSE user@yourserver:/etc/krakend/LICENSE
The installation process requires following these steps:
Paste this in the terminal:
$rpm -Uvh
yum install -y krakend-ee
systemctl start krakend-ee
Paste this in the terminal:
$rpm -Uvh
dnf install -y krakend-ee
systemctl start krakend-ee
The current KrakenD version will run at least in Centos 7 and Fedora 24
The installation process requires following these steps:
Bottom line:
$apt install -y ca-certificates gnupg
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 5DE6FD698AD6FDD2
echo "deb stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/krakend.list
apt-get update
apt-get install -y krakend-ee
Minimum supported versions are Debian 8, and Ubuntu 16.x.
)You can also download the tar.gz
and decompress it anywhere. Instructions to check the SHA and PGP signature here.
Download latest tar.gz
Download latest tar.gz
Once you have downloaded and uncompressed the binary, you should move the contents to each folder. You will need root permissions or add sudo
to some of these commands:
mv usr/bin/krakend /usr/local/bin/krakend
mkdir -p /opt/krakend/
mv plugins /opt/krakend
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/krakend
Now you can type krakend
To stop KrakenD graceful use any of these two commands:
killall -s SIGTERM krakend
killall -s SIGINT krakend
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