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Document updated on May 12, 2023

Handling Client Redirects

When a backend returns a redirect, the default behavior of KrakenD is to follow the redirection and serve the final content to the user. When you don’t want this behavior and let the end client follow the redirect, you must enable the no_redirect HTTP client option.

No redirect configuration

The no_redirect option is one in the list of HTTP client options in the backend.

By enabling the flag, you can stop KrakenD from following redirections like a 301.

Enable no-op too
You must use the no-op encoding if you want the client to receive the status code 301 or 302. Otherwise, the gateway would return a 500 error because it does not get a success (20x) code.

Example of configuration:

    "version": 3,
    "endpoints": [
            "endpoint": "/redirect",
            "output_encoding": "no-op",
            "backend": [
                    "url_pattern": "/__debug",
                    "encoding": "no-op",
                    "extra_config": {
                        "backend/http/client": {
                            "no_redirect": true

Migration from old plugin

Prior to v2.3 the no-redirect plugin offered this functionality, and is now deprecated as it is supported natively. If you used the plugin you will need to execute the following change in your configuration:

"extra_config": {
-    "plugin/http-client": {
-        "name": "no-redirect"
+    "backend/http/client": {
+        "no_redirect": true

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