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Document updated on Jan 19, 2022

API Health Check

The health endpoint (or the ping endpoint) allows you to query KrakenD to find out if it is ready to accept connections or not.

When KrakenD is up and running correctly, it exposes a /__health endpoint returning a 200 HTTP status code. It works automatically and without adding any specific configuration block.

Health check response

When you query the /__health endpoint, you should expect a 200 response code or no response at all. There are no other status codes that you can receive from the health, as it reflects a binary answer: it’s working, or it’s not. So make sure to check for a 200 when you monitor the health of the service.

The content of the health endpoint provides extra information, but you don’t need to parse its content to make automated decisions. For example, the content could look like this:

k8s check endpoint 

$curl http://localhost:8080/__health
    "agents": {
        "some-agent": "2022-01-19 18:25:17.00225307 +0100 CET m=+0.031662879"
    "now": "2022-01-19 18:38:38.084402465 +0100 CET m=+30.674738658",
    "status": "ok"

There are three keys inside the response:

  • status with an ok value simply tells you that the API is processing HTTP requests correctly. There is no other possible state if the server is up.
  • agents is a map of all Async Agents you have running on KrakenD. The map will be empty if you don’t use them. When agents are running, the value shows the time of the last working ping.
  • now is the current time in the server.

Disabling or renaming the health endpoint

You might want to disable the /__health endpoint or rename it. Whatever is the reason, you can set these parameters in the router options.

Custom alternatives to the health endpoint

If you’d like to have a health endpoint with a custom response, the simplest solution is to use stub data to alter the existing response.

Avoid adding dependencies in your health check
When setting custom health checks, try not to use external backends connected to databases to determine if KrakenD has to be reloaded or not.

A custom health configuration could look like this:

        "version": 3,
        "port": 8080,
        "endpoints": [
            "endpoint": "/health",
            "extra_config": {
                "proxy": {
                    "static": {
                    "data": {
                        "custom": "response",
                        "foo": "bar"
                    "strategy": "always"
            "backend": [
                "url_pattern": "/__health",
                "host": [

In this configuration, KrakenD connects to itself, but instead of returning the content of the internal health endpoint, it sets the data defined in the static structure. Notice that the listening port in the configuration and the host match your deployed KrakenD.

The response content of this custom /health endpoint is:

k8s check endpoint 

$curl http://localhost:8080/health
{"custom": "response","foo": "bar"}

The /__health endpoint will still be available, but you can rename it, or if your backend does not use it, disable it.


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