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Document updated on Sep 15, 2019

Graylog and the GELF format

KrakenD supports sending structured events in GELF format to your Graylog Cluster thanks to the krakend-gelf integration.

The setup of GELF is straightforward and requires only to set two parameters:

  • address: The address (including the port) of your Graylog cluster (or any other service that receives GELF inputs).
  • enable_tcp: Set to false (recommended) to use UDP. When using TCP performance might be affected.

Enabling GELF

Add the krakend-gelf integration in the root level of your krakend.json, inside the extra_config section. The gologging needs to be enabled too.

For instance:

"extra_config": {
  "github_com/devopsfaith/krakend-gelf": {
    "address": "myGraylogInstance:12201",
    "enable_tcp": false
  "github_com/devopsfaith/krakend-gologging": {
      "level": "INFO",
      "prefix": "[KRAKEND]",
      "syslog": false,
      "stdout": true

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