3 min read
KrakenD 1.1 with Kafka integration released
by Albert Lombarte

The KrakenD team is pleased to announce the release of KrakenD 1.1. You can get it packaged from the download page.
Some of the highlights include:
- Kafka integration
- Extended Docker image
- Added Telemetry for Azure Monitor
- More performance improvements
🚀 Summary of changes for CEv1.1
KrakenD 1.1.0 adds Kafka integration, an extended Docker image, telemetry for Azure Monitor and performance improvements.
- Corrected a bug in the httpsecure module.
- Lambda context as base64 json-encoded context
- Lua request and response helpers
- Upgraded to Go 1.14
- Optimization of the rate-limit module
- Optimization of the load-balancer
- Added Opencensus exporter to send metrics to Azure
- Added Apache Kafka integration
- FIFO HTTP handler plugin loader (adding more than one HTTP handler plugin to the gateway)
- Add metrics for Go and process to Prometheus exporter (Thanks to Lucas Bremgartner)
- Docker image supporting plugins (Thanks to Alexandr Hacicheant)
Upgrading to the latest version is always advised.
Kafka integration
From now on, users of Apache Kafka can publish and subscribe from KrakenD. The Kafka integration saves you from writing application logic to interact with the streaming platform and let the gateway be an active player in the event architecture pattern.
The Kafka feature enables the gateway to become both a subscriber and a consumer of messages for asynchronous processing.
Read the Kafka documentation.
Extended Docker image
KrakenD 1.1 extends its Docker base image to support your custom plugins while at the same time using the official image.
Update your Docker tag to use alpine
to keep the current CI/CD efficiency and space savings, as this extension made that newer images are based on debian:buster-slim
instead of alpine
Users of KrakenD that do not require to side-load custom plugins are encouraged to keep the alpine version.
Full images with full functionality AND extended support for your custom plugins:
Optimized images with full functionality but no custom plugins support:
- Images 1.0 and below.
Telemetry for Azure Monitor
KrakenD can push traces and metrics to a 3rd party, this release includes Azure Monitor to the list of supported exporters, complementing the previous existing options. The full list of supported technologies for tracing or metrics now is:
- Google StackDriver
- Amazon X-Ray
- Azure monitor
- Instana (Enterprise only)
- New Relic (Enterprise only)
- Zipkin
- Jaeger
- InfluxDB
- Prometheus (+ Grafana dashboard available)
Performance improvements
Finally, KrakenD 1.1 is now based on Go 1.14, which has several improvements in its efficiency. Modules like the rate-limit and the load-balancer were refactored to increase even more its speed under heavy load.
Link to 1.1 release notes
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Enjoy KrakenD!